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Nutrition & Dietary support

Good nutrition helps to improve physical and mental functioning – and, most importantly, it can improve quality of life.

Nutrition and dietary support examine how essential nutrients, minerals and other components found in your food and diet can work to prevent illness and promote healthy development and bodily function. Additionally, support may focus on ensuring appropriate nutrient intake. The quality is delivered by our clinical Dietitians and Nutritionists. They are uniquely trained food and nutrition experts who can educate, motivate, guide and support you on your journey to making optimal eating choices.

Healthy Nutrition will promote overall health & wellbeing by:

Stabilized and decreased blood sugars.

Maintained cholesterol levels.

Decreased blood pressure.

Decreased inflammation.

Strengthened immunity.

Weight loss/management.

Increased productivity and mental alertness.

prevent or manage chronic illness.

Our clinical Dietitians and Nutritionists: -

They are supportive and will work with you to develop a personalized nutrition plan to help guide and motivate you on your journey to making better eating choices, changing life style and help pave the road to wellness.

Furthermore, they are Helping patients meet their special dietary needs, tailoring each patient’s education based on his or her needs with Setting goals, Improving and strengthening the continuum of care.

Our clinical Dietitians and Nutritionists will complete an individual nutritional requirement that includes:

Overview “medical history, medication, supplements, dietary habits and food history intake”.

Calculation of nutritional needs.

Nutritional screening.

Nutritional intervention.

Nutritional assessment.

Nutrition for specific medical issue or disease states.

Evaluation of nutritional status.

Levels of Nutrition care

All spectrums and syndromes such as and more “Autism, Epilepsy, Down Syndrome, Neurological conditions including stroke and Parkinson’s disease, Eating Disorders….

All health problems “underweight, obesity, weight management, malnutrition, micro-nutrients deficiency …….”

All medical conditions such as and more “Cancer, Chronic Diseases, PCOD, COPD, Osteoporosis, Hypertension, Post Bariatric Surgery, Tube Feeding, Cardiovascular disorder, Diabetes Mellitus, Kidney Disorders, liver diseases………

All food intolerances

Fitness and sports Nutrition

Targeted patients:

In/ out patient

Home care
