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Robotic Motion Assessment & Training

Get Better. Every Day.

Putting Patients at The Heart of Rehabilitation Highly intensive, focused, and motivated training is possible in an environment where classic therapy and the latest technology work together. TyroTherapy helps therapists and patients to do the right things at the right time, regardless of location, indication and phase of rehabilitation.







The Three components of TyroTherapy

Three components which we believe are critical to achieve the best possible therapeutic outcomes within the shortest amount of time, in a goal-driven and motivated way.

What does TyroTherapy mean for patients?

TyroTherapy allows patients to escape the monotony of every day, ordinary therapy. Their condition is stressful enough; shouldn’t their time spent in therapy be both fun and challenging? Let TyroTherapy provide the means for your patients to achieve their goals and enjoy therapy.

At Revital Our Goal

To improve the independence and quality of life for people around the globe.

How? To accomplish this mission, we provide a comprehensive solution that enables physicians and therapists to put their patients at the heart of therapy

By using the most modern technologies such as robotics, sensor technology, virtual reality, and gamification, patients are guided through the rehabilitation process more intensively and motivationally.